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   Programming in C

Programming In C

by B. L. Juneja Anita Seth

  Price : Rs 255.00
  Your Price : Rs 216.75
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  Programming in C is designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students of engineering for the core course on C Programming offered by all major technological universities. It caters to the needs of students of B.Sc. (Computer Science and Mathematics), BCA, and MCA. This book has been carefully developed to equip students with comprehensive knowledge of C so that they can develop programs on their own for various applications, ranging from solutions of algebraic equations to online test evaluations.
The approach has been kept simple and student-friendly to ensure that every student can derive maximum possible knowledge from the book. Every chapter incorporates useful pedagogical features such as chapter outline, solved examples, tables and illustrations, and end-of-chapter exercises including review exercises, programming exercises, and multiple-choice exercises. In addition, many chapters contain a list of common programming errors warning programmers of the possible pitfalls in programming.
Detailed discussions on several important topics pertaining to C programming have been included in the book, such as iterations, functions, arrays, pointers, strings, structures and unions, dynamic memory management and linked lists, preprocessor directives, applications of programming in C, and many more. Every topic has been supplemented with an illustrative program to aid in faster and effective understanding for the students.

Pages : 498
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