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  Criminal Computer Behaviour

Criminal Computer Behaviour

by Nina Verma

  Price : Rs 600.00
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  This study examines the behaviour of a criminal who engages in computer crime. It predicts that individuals involved in illicit computer activities are at a greater risk of facing differential association, differential reinforcement, and moral disengagement than non-criminals. Furthermore, it hypothesizes that the combination of these three predicts criminal computer behaviour in a more efficient manner than either variable alone. The hypotheses regarding differential association, differential reinforcement, and moral disengagement were supported. However, contrary to the predictions, the reduced model consisting of moral disengagement and differential association predict criminal computer behaviour in a better manner. Additional exploratory analyses and the implications for future research are also discussed.

PREFACE (V) 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Types of Attack 2 Targets of Computer Crime 2 Increases in Computer Crime 4 Legislation 5 Technological Solutions 8 Challenges Faced in Tackling Computer 10 Whose Responsibility? 12 2 SOCIAL LEARNING AND MORAL DISENGAGEMENT 15 Social Learning Theory in Psychology 15 Moral Disengagement 30 Influences on Micro-level Ethical Behaviour 37 3 PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR 41 Hacker Terminology in Computer Crime 43 Application of Social Learning Theory in Computer Crime 51 Hypotheses 53 Methodolgy 54 Instruments 56 Paulhus Deception Scales (PDS) 62 Procedure 63 Results 66 Formal Hypotheses Testing 80 Additional Data Analyses 85 Discussion 90 Summary 103 APPENDICES 107 A: Computer Crime Index and Social Learning Questionnaire: Handout Version 107 • Please use the Accompanying Answer Sheet to Answer the Questions. Do not Mark the Question Sheet • When was the Most Recent Time that You: • How Often in the Past 3 Years Have You • How Old Were You the First Time You • How Much Have you Learned About the Activities in Questions 6-13 From • How Many Times Have You Seen or Heard any of Your College, High School Teachers, or Boss • What is Your Attitude Towards • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in or Would Engage in the Listed Activity, How Likely is it that if did You Would be Caught • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in the Listed Activity, How do You Think Your Friends Would Likely React if They Found out that You • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in the Listed Activity, How do You Think Your Family Would Likely React if They Found out that You • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in the Listed Activity, How do You Think Your Teachers or if Applicable, Bosses Would Likely React if They Found out that You • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in the Listed Activity, if You Were to Engage in it, What Would the Most Likely Outcome Be? B: Computer Crime Index and Social Learning Questionnaire: Web Based Version 121 • Survey 2 • When was the Most Recent Time that You • How Often in the Past 3 Years Have You • How Old were You the First Time You • How Much Have You Learned about the Activities in Questions 6-13 From • How Many Times Have You Seen or Heard any of Your College, High School Teachers, or Boss • What is Your Attitude Towards • Whether or Not You Have Actually Engaged in or Would Engage in the Listed Activity, How Likely is it that if You did, You Would be Caught • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in the Listed Activity, How do You Think Your Friends Would Likely React if They Found out that You • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in the Listed Activity, How do You Think Your Family Would Likely React if They Found out that You • Whether or not You Have Actually Engaged in the Listed Activity, if You Were to Engage in it, What Would the Most Likely Outcome Be? C: E-mail Correspondence 151 D: Questionnaire Instructions: Jail 152 E: Consent Form 153 F: Participant Debriefing Report 154 G: Questionnaire Instructions: Probation 154 H: Web Consent: Welcome 155 I: Web Participant Debriefing 156 BIBLIOGRAPHY 157 INDEX 169

ISBN - 9788182203631

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