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  Al Qaida`s Doctorine for Insurgency - Practical Course for Guerrilla War by Norman Gigar (Translated from Arabic)

Al Qaida`S Doctorine For Insurgency - Practical Course For Guerrilla War By Norman Gigar (Translated From Arabic)

by Norman Cigar

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 715.50
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  Osama bin Laden`s words carry a great deal of weight in the West. When he speaks, or allegedly speaks, we listen. But what about the words of other key leaders in the Al-Qaida terrorist network? We can learn how to conduct the war on terrorism more successfully when we study their own manuals, written for their followers. But few Americans, despite their expertise in intelligence or security, know Arabic.Fortunately Norman Cigar is fluent, and here he presents the first English translation of Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin`s "A Practical Course for Guerrilla War." Saudi security forces killed Al-Muqrin, Al-Qaida`s leader in the Arabian Peninsula, in June 2004. Published posthumously, his Arabic-language manual provides a window into Al-Qaida`s strategic thinking and into how these terrorists operate. Accompanying the text`s translation is material on al-Muqrin`s life and Cigar`s cogent and detailed analysis of the key ideas in the jihadist`s doctrine and the results of Al-Qaida`s insurgency efforts on the Arabian Peninsula.This important work provides a primary source for students in the professional military education system who want to read a variety of military thinkers and develop insights into all warfighting philosophies, especially those emanating from non-Western sources. Academics, think tank analysts, and government officials in the United States and abroad will also find the work relevant to their own work on Al-Qaida and insurgency theory. With a foreword by Julian Lewis, MP, the Shadow Defence Minister for Great Britain.

ISBN - 9788190428569

Pages : 208
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