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   Mastering Data Modeling: A User-Driven Approach

Mastering Data Modeling: A User-Driven Approach

by Joseph Maguire,John Carlis

  Price : Rs 2469.00
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  Data modeling is one of the most critical phases in the database application development process, but also the phase most likely to fail. A master data modeler must come into any organization, understand its data requirements, and skillfully model the data for applications that most effectively serve organizational needs.

Mastering Data Modeling is a complete guide to becoming a successful data modeler. Featuring a requirements-driven approach, this book clearly explains fundamental concepts, introduces a user-oriented data modeling notation, and describes a rigorous, step-by-step process for collecting, modeling, and documenting the kinds of data that users need.

Assuming no prior knowledge, Mastering Data Modeling sets forth several fundamental problems of data modeling, such as reconciling the software developer`s demand for rigor with the users` equally valid need to speak their own (sometimes vague) natural language. In addition, it describes the good habits that help you respond to these fundamental problems. With these good habits in mind, the book describes the Logical Data Structure (LDS) notation and the process of controlled evolution by which you can create low-cost, user-approved data models that resist premature obsolescence. Also included is an encyclopedic analysis of all data shapes that you will encounter. Most notably, the book describes The Flow, a loosely scripted process by which you and the users gradually but continuously improve an LDS until it faithfully represents the information needs. Essential implementation and technology issues are also covered.

You will learn about such vital topics as:

The fundamental problems of data modeling
The good habits that help a data modeler be effective and economical
LDS notation, which encourages these good habits
How to read an LDS aloud--in declarative English sentences
How to write a well-formed (syntactically correct) LDS
How to get users to name the parts of an LDS with words from their own business vocabulary
How to visualize data for an LDS
A catalog of LDS shapes that recur throughout all data models
The Flow--the template for your conversations with users
How to document an LDS for users, data modelers, and technologists
How to map an LDS to a relational schema
How LDS differs from other notations and why

"Story interludes" appear throughout the book, illustrating real-world successes of the LDS notation and controlled evolution process. Numerous exercises help you master critical skills. In addition, two detailed, annotated sample conversations with users show you the process of controlled evolution in action.

Pages : 416
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