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  The Emergence Of India And Pakistan

The Emergence Of India And Pakistan

by Suresh K. Sharma

  Price : Rs 1250.00
  Your Price : Rs 1025.00
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  The period between World War II and the dawn of Indian independence was of a climactic scene, which in the past has always attracted the attention of the scholarly community world over. The Partition of India (1947) took place during this phase. It was one of the great human convulsions, the world has ever witnessed. It was not only simple bifurcation geographical boundaries between India and Pakistan but, an un-paralleled scene of untold stories, riots and conflagrations, and outpouring of savagery, unprecedented in scale and span. This epic turmoil had rocked not only the Indian sub-continent but also the entire world. Frankly speaking, the Partition of India resulted in shattering consequences. It would not be an exaggeration to say had there been no partition and only an united India (India and Pakistan) prevailed on the world map after independence then this state would have progressed more politically, economically, culturally, etc. and ranked itself in the family of present-day `superpowers`.

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