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17 years of Excellence
International Studies
The Rise Of China
by V. P. Malik, Jorg Schultz (Eds. )
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China`s rise in the international arena is today an accepted fact. Once known as the Middle Kingdom, China is today set to alter the global power balance, forever. Although China`s `calculative strategy` is premised on its `peaceful rise`, such changes in the international power equilibrium have seldom been without conflict and turbulence. This Volume, based on a selection of papers presented at an international conference organised by Observer Research Foudnation, New Delhi and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, is an attempt to study the rapid changes taking place in the global arena triggered by a rising China. More important, the well-known experts and commnetators, who have contributed to this volume, analyse the political, economic and military dimensions of China`s rise and propose pragmatic policies that need to be taken at the bilateral and international level.
About Author :
General V.P. Malik served as Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army from October 1997 to September 2000. Concurently, he was the Chairman, Chiefs, of Staff Committee of India from January 1999 to September 2000. General Malik has authored serveral papers on defence planning and security issues, and addressed and participated in various national and international workshops, seminars, conferences and track 2 dialogues in the US, UK and Germany. He has received numerous invitations as either fellow or speaker in several military and non-military universities and institutions in Europe, the US and Asia. Jorg Schultz graduated from Leipzig University. He is currently the Acting Director of Rosa Luxemburg stiftung (RLS). Schultz holds a diploma in Business Management and European Law. He worked as a specialist for the International Development Programme and solidarity campaigns with liberation movements in the Council of Ministers of the former GDR until 1990. During the 1990s, Shultz wroked with different business companies, specializing in international development cooperation programmes. He has been responsible for project negotiations with international donor agencies, including the World Bank, European Union and the GErman government.
Contents :
Foreword China`s Strategic Culture and its Political Dynamics China in the 21st Century: The Impact of Strategic-Tradition China and the World: A European View China`s Strategic Culture and Current International Dynamics: Perspective from India Rise of China and its Economic Implications for its Low Income Neighbours Will India Catch Up with China? China`s Economic Potential Quo Vadis, China? Rise of China: Implications for Security in East Asia China`s Quest for Regional Security China`s Maritime Strategy: Implications for the Indo-Pacific Region Training in Joing Operations for Future Taiwan Conflict China`s National Defence Strategy, Naval Combat Doctrines and Force Transformation Rise of China: Technology and Strategic Dimensions Chinese Military Industrial Complex: Trends and Consequences for Southeast Asian Security To Boldly Go Where No Nation has Gone Before? China`s Military-Industrial Complex in the 21st Century: Addressing Structural Reform Initiatives Co-operation for Optimum Use of Renewable Energy Potential Contributors
Pages : 300
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