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  The First and Last Freedom (Bilingual)

The First And Last Freedom (Bilingual)

by J. Krishnamurti

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 500.00
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  Is this transformation, is this radical revolution, an ultimate thing or is it from moment to moment? I know we should like it to be the ultimate thing, because it is so much easier to think in terms of far away. Ultimately we shall be transformed, ultimately we shall be happy, ultimately we shall find truth; in the meantime, let us carry on. Surely such a mind, thinking in terms of the future, is incapable of acting in the present; therefore such a mind is not seeking transformation, it is merely avoiding transformation...

Transformation is not in the future, can never be in the future. It can only be now, from moment to moment. So what do we mean by transformation? Surely it is very simple: seeing the false as the false and the true as the true. Seeing the truth in the false and seeing the false in that which has been accepted as the truth. Seeing the false as the false and true as the true is transformation, because when you see something very clearly as the truth, that truth liberates....

ISBN - 9788170287131

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