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  Six Sigma on a Budget

Six Sigma On A Budget

by Warren Brussee,

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 292.50
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  Six Sigma on a Budget explains how any manager can use the principles of Six Sigma to see
immediate results! Bestselling author and leading Six Sigma expert Warren Brussee breaks
down the basic concepts to simplify the process, and delivers tools to let any organization
power its way through the new economic realities with enhanced productivity and efficiency—
and without expensive process management consulting.
4At the forefront of books that focus on what Six Sigma can achieve in recession/postrecession
4A non-specialist approach to Six Sigma that delivers most of the benefit at a fraction of the
4Warren Brussee`s Six Sigma titles are perennial bestsellers and are regularly included in
several major universities course syllabi
ISBN : 9780071067447

Pages : 192
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