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  Diagnosing the Philippine Economy: Toward Inclusive Growth

Diagnosing The Philippine Economy: Toward Inclusive Growth

by Dante B. Canlas, Muhammad Ehsan Khan

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 795.00
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  The pace of growth in the Philippines is slower than that of many neighbouring countries, and despite increasing growth in the period before the current global financial crisis, domestic investment remained weak, and had a declining share in gross domestic product. Understanding limits to growth in the Philippines’ economy and how they may be counteracted is crucial for policy makers seeking to encourage economic development. [NP] ‘Diagnosing the Philippine Economy’ investigates the binding constraints on economic development, by following a growth diagnostics approach. Articles within this collection cover the areas of macroeconomic management; trade, investments, and production; infrastructure, human capital; equity and the social sector; poverty reduction efforts; and governance and political institutions. The studies’ findings provide insight for politicians, academicians, and economists into the issues and their potential solutions.

ISBN - 9789380601083

Pages : 359
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