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  Introduction to Computers and Information System

Introduction To Computers And Information System

by Dr. Sushila Madan

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 198.00
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  “For a country known for magicians, snake-charmers and spices, India has come a long way in the past decade. Indians, once considered technology backward, are now in great demand in most countries of the developed world.” Our IT education system is capable of producing IT professionals of a high calibre, as we have a huge potential talent in the one billion plus population of youngsters.

To keep this in view, the objective of this book is to provide basic understanding and to develop skills in IT. The text covered in the book will help the student to be aware of “e-world” as today’s world is progressing towards “e-every”. This Book covers the complete syllabus of B.Com. (Hons.) Part A. This book is also useful for B.A. (Pass)/BDP/IT related courses.

This book is organised into following six units :

Unit I covers fundamental concepts of computers. It describes computer, advantages, limitations, applications, its size, type, functionality, representation of data, etc.

Unit II covers computer technology encompassing Hardware, Software, Firmware, Liveware, etc.

Unit III covers Management Information System, its basic con­cepts, needs and types of information system.

Unit IV covers concepts in databases and DBMS, their components, advantages, limitation and database designing principles (E.F. Codd Rules).

Unit V covers Networking, its concepts, advantages, objectives, techniques in data, data transmission, various topologies and protocols.

Unit VI covers basic concepts about Inter Networking, applica­tions, its services, search engines, how it works and Governance of Internet.

This book also incorporates glossary of words/expressions frequent­ly used in computers.

This book is written in a reader-friendly manner. Each chapter begins with objectives. To reinforce the understanding of the students, each chapter of the book contains important definitions in a box, tables of characteristics, comparisons in tabular form are given. Diagrams are given to understand the flow of logic of the concepts that had been introduced in the text.

The end of each chapter contains points to remember and an assessment with a set of review questions is provided that would reinforce the main concepts introduced in the chapter.

Readers’ views, comments and criticism relating to the present work, are most welcome.

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