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  Explorations in Human Spirituality

Explorations In Human Spirituality

by Akbar Husain

  Price : Rs 900.00
  Your Price : Rs 792.00
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  Spirituality is no longer the exclusive domain of Sages, Saints, Prophets, Rishi and Munis, and Sufis. Spirituality is an important aspect of humanity. In this book my mission is presenting multiple theoretical orientations, researches and information on the spiritual practices and rituals to encourage behavioural scientists to do research and practice and try to formulate their own views. Acknowledging that spirituality is a part of change at large in society, we invite people to explore and experience creatively and practically about the issues and challenges raised in the chapters of this book. The chapters are oriented to the needs of people in general, researchers and practitioners in particular. The contributors have attempted to provide you with the most current information based on the research findings. Exploring the different aspect of human spirituality is the shared responsibility of teachers, parents, therapists, psychologists, and other health caregivers. It is my hope that this book can contribute in some small way to making spirituality a vision of reality in the 21st century.

ISBN - 9788182203167

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