Jobless growth is a major concern in today’s world. Over and above, employment becomes the first casualty of financial crises that seem to occur almost in a periodic manner. How well the countries have mainstreamed employment in their macro strategies? How coherent are the macro policies that countries follow from the perspective of centrality of Decent Work in the context of investment and growth?
The volume scans the macro-economic settings of the seven countries of South Asian subregion that include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and explores how well the macro economic strategies pursued by these countries cohere with the Decent Work objectives.
The papers contributed by various authors in this volume present elaborate research based empirical information and analyses for the readers, researchers, policy makers and multilateral institutions.
The analytical import in this volume also provides a perspective on globalization. Are these countries reaping the benefits of this process? Is globalization helping in achieving the Decent Work goals? The book raises many issues and opens up wide areas of debate.
ISBN - 9788171888207
Pages : 426