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  Bhutan:100 years of Wangchuck vision

Bhutan:100 Years Of Wangchuck Vision

by Maj. Gen.(Retd) Shubhi Sood

  Price : Rs 2500.00
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  Scholars are generally agreed that the evolution of Bhutan as a modern state can be attributed to four major events. These are, the advent of Buddhism in Bhutan with the arrival of Guru Padmasambhava in the 8th century AD; establishment of the Drukpa Kargue Sect by Phajo Drugom Shigpo in 13th century AD; the unification of Bhutan under a central authority by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 17th century AD and the coming about of a hereditary monarchy under King Ugyen Wangchuck in the early twentieth century.

Since the 17th century government in Bhutan has consisted of a dual control, jointly exercised by the Dharam Raja, as an incarnation of former Lamas, and Deb Raja, an appointee of the Dharam Raja. This "Concept of Dualism" was introduced by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, the one man credited with the consolidation and unification of Bhutan, under one "Central Authority." During the lifetime of the Shabdrung and a little thereafter, this dualism worked very satisfactorily. Over a period of time, however, power was usurped by Penlops (Governors of Provinces or Regions). At any given time, the most powerful penlop nominated his own puppet as happened in the case of Dharam Raja and Deb Raja. This resulted in revolutions and internecine wars rendering the government unstable. It is through this picture of turmoil and chaos that the story of the rise and triumph of the Wangchuck dynasty, transits to one of relative peace and stability.

The history of the Kingdom is steeped in myth and legend. In 1772, when Bhutan attacked Cooch Behar, a military forced dispatched by Warren Hastings expelled the intruders which legitimized the involvement of the British in this part of the world. In 1903 the Government of India authorized a “Tibet Mission” under Col FE Younghusband to proceed to Tibet to seek a peaceful solution through negotiations with Chinese and Tibetan delegates. Feeling some anxiety about the Bhutanese attitude, Col Younghusband recommended in September 1903, that the Bhutanese should be induced to declare their intentions.Therefore the cooperation from “Tongsa Penlop," Ugyen Wangchuck, the most powerful magnate of Bhutan then, was sought. His contribution was so impressive that the British awarded him a K.C.I.E in 1905, and Ugyen Wangchuck was created “Sir Ugyen Wangchuck”.

Given the uncertainties of the time and the evolving political scene around these parts of the world, it was collectively decided by the clergy, laity and artistocracy of Bhutan to install a hereditary system of “kingship” to eliminate seizing of power by the sword! Sir Ugyen Wangchuck was elected king by unanimous choice, and hereditary monarchy was established in 1907 replacing the theocracy founded in the seventeenth century by the Shabdrung.

The “Founding Monarch” Ugyen Wangchuk came to power against a turbulent background of incessant feuding. While the hereditary rule came in the time of Sir Ugyen Wangchuck, the ground for this had been prepared during the time of Jigme Namgyel in the late nineteenth century. Today , the Fifth King from the Dynasty, the great, great grandson of the founding monarch, occupies the “Golden Throne” of Bhutan. The Kingdom is on the threshold of a major change when it embraces democracy in 2008. This, more than anything else, is the bequest of “the Wangchucks” to the people of Bhutan.

Dynastic rule, laid the foundation for everlasting peace and transquility in Bhutan. The country under the Wangchucks has progressed rapidly towards economic self-reliance with democracy taking root in the country.

This book was concieved and written to commemorate 100 years of Wangchuck Rule, when the Kingdom becomes a democracy with His Majesty, Druk Gyalpo,assuming the role of a "Constitutional Monarch."


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