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  Textbook of Periodontology and Oral Implantology

Textbook Of Periodontology And Oral Implantology

by Dr Ashita Uppoor, Dr Dilip G Nayak, Dr Mahesh C.P

  Price : Rs 825.00
  Your Price : Rs 701.25
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  This multi-authored text on Periodontology and Oral Implantology, written by leading authorities in the subject of Periodontology in the country, will cater to the needs of the undergraduate and postgraduate dental students, dental hygienists and private practitioners alike. It is a comprehensive text on the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of periodontal diseases at all stages of severity and in combination with other phases of dental care. Based on the new syllabus prescribed by the Dental Council of India, the book discusses all the modern aspects of clinical periodontology.

This book Includes topics like Pulpo-Periodontal Involvement, Systemic Effects of Periodontal Diseases, and Infection Control Protocol, thereby sufficing the coverage of revised DCI syllabus. Also discusses chapters like Periodontal splints , Risk factors & Host response in detail as per the revised DCI syllabus. Also there is emphasizes on understanding the clinical phenomena in terms of underlying tissue changes, thereby, correlating basic sciences with clinical aspects of periodontal disease and various therapeutic measures currently in use. It also covers recent advances in periodontology with special emphasis on oral implantology.
ISBN - 9788131210598

Pages : 520
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