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  Back To Health Through Yoga

Back To Health Through Yoga

by Dr Ramesh Bijlani

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 323.90
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  Back to Health through Yoga does not seek to transplant a dozen yogic postures in modern medicine. It looks upon yoga as a precious tool in mind-body medicine. The postures, diet and sleep (called physical culture in yoga), meditation (as first aid for stress), and the yogic attitude (for long time relief from stress) are all part of yoga, and all these have a place in mind-body medicine. Mind-body medicine aims at correcting the faults in lifestyle responsible for the illness, and thereby creating the best conditions for reversal of the process which led to the illness. This book is meant for the intelligent and inquisitive reader who will use it to discover the roots of health and disease. Also included are reasonable guidelines for healthy lifestyles based on yoga. Stress management has been discussed on the basis of Patanjali’s enumeration of the sources of klesas. The major lifestyle disorders have also been discussed individually, bringing together to one place, our current understanding of these diseases and their prevention and management using an integrated approach that dissolves the barrier between modern science and ancient wisdom.
ISBN - 9788129113979

Pages : 320
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