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  Social Income and Insecurity : A Study in Gujarat

Social Income And Insecurity : A Study In Gujarat

by Guy Standing, Jeemol Unni, Renana Jhabvala, Uma Rani

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 505.75
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  Social and economic insecurity takes several forms and affects the various groups that make up society in different ways. The problem is that development, so Among the questions it addresses is whether the structure of social income is being changed by the commercialisation of economic development, and whether the changes are making people economically more insecure. It also considers whether income inequality is more or less unequal when account is taken of non-earned forms of income support. In doing so, the book argues that existing state policies are ineffectual; indeed, they have been contributing to an increase in income inequality.rapid in India in recent years, is altering the pattern of socio-economic insecurity, leaving some groups extremely vulnerable to personal disaster at the slightest mishap. This book develops an innovative concept of social income, a measure of all forms of income and income support that individuals, families and communities can receive. It demonstrates how people survive by calling on support from themselves, their families, communities, and the state, as also how many forms of such support have become unreliable and unequally distributed, leaving more people vulnerable to shocks and hazards.
ISBN - 9780415585743

Pages : 216
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