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  Space for Shopping: Planning & Design for Trade & Commerce

Space For Shopping: Planning & Design For Trade & Commerce

by A.K. Jain

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 950.00
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  The Indian megacities like Delhi are de-facto pivots of India``s economic growth and globalization. With the entry of the multinationals, improved communications, increased per capita income and purchasing power, the Indian economy is slated for a runaway quantum jump. Trade and commerce is going to be fulcrum of the future, which has implications on the physical, social and economic structure of the cities. This needs a rethinking about the conventional spatial structure of the cities, where commercial areas should be the hub. The spatial base has to be widened and new systems of zoning and land use have to be worked out, which are dynamic and flexible, and are responsive to the emerging needs. This book deals with these issues in a holistic manner. It provides a planning and design framework for trade and commerce, offices, hotels, shopping malls, etc., together with a new paradigm for the marginalized street vendors. The studies to ``actual ground`` situation provide a practical guide for all those involved with the livelihoods and lifestyles, in terms of planning for business, trade and commerce.
ISBN - 9789380009193

Pages : 312
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