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  Health Care for Women and Girl Children

Health Care For Women And Girl Children

by S. K. Singh, Awadhesh Kr. Singh

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 440.00
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  It is well recognized that improvement in the health status of population is both an important means of increasing productivity and economic growth as well as an end in itself. The improvements of improvements in health is also acknowledged in the Millennium Development Goals of the UNDPM, which call for a dramatic reduction in poverty and improvements in health, especially of the poor. In India, with its vast majority of poor population, ensuring the good health of the people is a challenging task. Healthcare for women and girl children is one of the important agenda of development in India. However, the status of healthcare for women and girl children has been poor despite the massive investment in project and programme oriented towards improving the healthcare for women in India. Against this backdrop, present book highlights the health status of women and children in India and particularly in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. It presents detailed account of health care services for women and children in the two states besides the review of healthcare programmes and schemes for women in India. It is hoped that present book will be immense important for understanding the dynamics of healthcare for women and improving the efficiency of functioning of programmes and schemes oriented towards healthcare for women and girl children. The book will be useful to policy marker, social activists and those who are interested in this fields. ISBN : 9788183871891

Pages : 171
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