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  Voice of God: Traditional Thought and Modern Science

Voice Of God: Traditional Thought And Modern Science

by Baidyanath Saraswati

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  The result of a seminar’s proceedings, the volume presents an understanding of God in various religions and traditions around the world. It examines the concept of the Brahman in Hindu religious thought, and God as forming the relationship between the unmanifest Brahman and the manifest Universe. It views the approach of the Semitic religions that make absolute difference between God and Man. It discusses the glory associated with God, the nature of the Supreme God and His lesser denominations as well as the modern notion of God as a human creation and residing in the mind of Man. It delves into the core of the Upanishadic thought, God in Tibetan thought, signs of Allah and his attributes in Islam, God in the Zoroastrian faith, Buddhism and Jainism vis-a-vis the notion of divinity and the Christian conception of the divine. It deals with God in the Shamanic cosmogonies of some Adivasi groups of eastern India and the syncretic folk deities of Sundarbans in West Bengal. The scholars interpret the cosmological, teleological and ontological proofs, in various forms, to understand the reality of God.

The volume, with its painstaking studies, will prove invaluable to scholars and readers, mainly those associated with religious studies.

ISBN - 812460472X

Pages : 288
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