The Development Architects in India have experimented with many socio-economic development programmes under the trickle-down approach. As development is a multifaceted process, the experience gained over a period in the top-down approach, has paved way for shifting towards the Participatory Micro Planning to achieve the development with People Participation. The Concept of Participation encompass many elements such as involvement, contribution, sharing. In the development process, paramount significance is given to the Equality that is the very base for the Participatory Development Approach. The equality starts from the stage of identification of need for developmental intervention in assessing the impact of the intervention for the development. Now the question is whether we are in the right direction of achieving development with equality? With this background, the present Edited Book containing the following topics; Agriculture Development, Rural Development, Women Development and Social Development; will have glance towards the Development initiatives in India. ISBN : 9788183871914
Pages : 342