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  Beyond Textual Islam

Beyond Textual Islam

by Nadeem Hasnain

  Price : Rs 1295.00
  Your Price : Rs 1139.60
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  There are two ways of trying to understand what Islam is all about. One way of understanding it is by interpreting it theologically or what do the rules say. This is ‘Textual Islam’ based on ‘Book View’. The other way is to interpret it historically to know what the Muslims have done in history and by looking at Muslim Societies at a given point of time to see how the Muslims ‘live’ Islam in their everyday life. Like the followers of other religions, Muslims too, do not live by their sacred books alone. This book presents a collection of based on both– ‘Book View’ as well as ‘Field View’ of Islam papers covering North Caucasus, Bosnia, Bangladesh and India, discussing issues from Jihad, Rise and Fall of Muslim Empires, Islamic Democratic Theory, Ethnic Identity and Exogamy to Popular Islam and Misogyny, Modernization of Madrasa Education and aspects of livelihood of Indian Muslims.
ISBN : 9788183871921

Pages : 371
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