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  A Textbook of Jurisprudence

A Textbook Of Jurisprudence

by Autar Krishen Koul

  Price : Rs 390.00
  Your Price : Rs 343.20
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  This textbook of Jurisprudence written primarily for graduate and postgraduate students of law and for all those students who appear for competitive examinations offering law as a subject of examination. The subject of jurisprudence is highly complex especially the theories and concepts, yet the author has tried to put the subject and its areas in simple, intelligible and lucid language. The book covers all the topics, which forms the subject matter of the subject of jurisprudence. The book primarily focuses on the schools of law such as, Analytical, Historical. Sociological and Sociology of Law, Philosophical, Natural Law, Realist School, Marxist Theory, Critical Legal Studies, Feminist Jurisprudence besides the contribution of early thinkers of Greece, Romans and Others. The puzzles of law as reflected in the complex phenomena of Rights have been covered extensively followed by jurisprudence of Rights. The book is extensively dealing with the concepts such as possession, Ownership and Persons and has been supported by Indian Statue Case Law. Finally the book discusses the sources of law such as, Legislation, Custom and Precedent. The book presents comprehensive understanding of a complex subject in a simple and straight language. It is hoped that this book will be of immense use to the readers for whom the book has written.
ISBN 8190585231

Pages : 457
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