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  The Eye Opening: As I Saw

The Eye Opening: As I Saw

by Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat (Former Chief Of The Naval Staff, India)

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  The book covers important issues which are of contemporary interest and relevance to india’s internal and external security in increasingly inter-dependent and interconnected world. For example, wars, invasions and occupation of oil and mineral resource rich regions impinge on the well being and security of people across continents. The use of depleted uranium munitions has de-facto unleashed low radiation warfare contaminating water and air systems affecting the health of coming generations. Unlimited mulitarization affects us all as it appropriates scarce resources and extends deployment of potentially genocidal systems to space. The central ideas in these writings prognosticate a more dangerous, predatory world, moving away from peace and reconciliation. The topics chosen, present a refreshing, bold, new perspective, are thought provoking and bound to hold the ‘thinking’ readers’ interest until the last page.
ISBN 817049267X

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