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  Children`s Science Encyclopedia

Children`S Science Encyclopedia

by A.H. Hashmi

  Price : Rs 450.00
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  Children are inquisitive by nature. They are forever curious about the world around them and want to know more about it. Though they have textbooks for their reference, still they can never quench their thirst for knowledge completely. Encyclopedias are specifically designed to bridge this gap. They help to nurture the hidden Albert Einstein or Marie Curie in the children.

Children`s Science Encyclopedia in 17 volumes is one such unparalleled effort in this direction. All the essential subject areas, from Universe and Environment, Plants and Animals, to Human Body, are covered in this comprehensive encyclopedia. Readable entries integrated with informative illustrations make the text lively and interesting, thus enabling better understanding of the topics covered.

Matchless in approach and presentation, Children`s Science Encyclopedia is certain to find appreciation in the eyes of students and also general readers, for being a one-stop comprehensive guide of the various aspects of Science. A must buy for school libraries and also individual households!
1. Universe
1. Space 2. Stars 3. Pulsars, Black Holes and Quasars 4. Galaxies 5. The Sun 6. The Solar System 7. Mercury 8. Venus 9. Earth 10. The Moon 11. Mars 12. Jupiter 13. Saturn 14. Uranus 15. Neptune 16. Pluto 17. Asteroids 18. Meteors and Meteorites 19. Comets 20. Exploring Space 21. Journey to the Moon

2. Earth
1. Origin of the earth 2. Earth and the atmosphere 3. Lithosphere or crust 4. Continents 5. Rock 6. Earthquakes 7. Mountain formation 8. Folds and faults 9. Volcanoes 10. Deserts 11. Geysers 12. Hot springs 13. Crater lakes 14. Erosion 15. Oceans 16. Rivers 17. Waterfalls 18. Underground water 19. Caves and caverns 20. Weather and climate 21. Fog, Mist and Snowfall 22. Clouds 23. Rain 24. Cyclones 25. Glaciers 26. Arctic regions 27. Petroleum

3. Life on Earth
1. Geological Time 2. Fossils 3. Life in the Oceans 4. The Mesozoic Era 5. Dinosaurs 6. Flying Reptiles 7. Archaeopteryx—The First Bird 8. The Cenozoic Era 9. Plant Evolution 10. Early Mammals 11. Early Man

4. The Plant Kingdom
1. The Plant Kingdom 2. Algae 3. Fungi 4. Bacteria 5. Bryophyta 6. Ferns 7. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 8. Ecological Classification of Plants 9. Useful Roots 10. Underground Stems 11. Photosynthesis 12. Defoliation 13. Structure and Functions of a Flower 14. Insectivorous Plants 15. Tallest Trees 16. Parasitic Plants 17. Types of Forests 18. Poisonous Plants 19. Uses of Plants

5. Animal Kingdom
1. Animal Kingdom 2. Protozoa and Metazoa 3. Molluscs 4. Insects 5. Crustaceans 6. Echinodermata 7. Pisces 8. Amphibians 9. Reptiles 10. Birds 11. Mammals 12. Nests 13. Migration of Birds 14. Speeds of Animals 15. Maximum Lifespans of Animals

6. The Human Body
1. Living Cells 2. The Human Skeleton 3. Muscles 4. The Blood System 5. Circulatory System 6. Heart 7. Skin 8. Brain 9. Digestive System 10. Excretory System 11. Respiratory System 12. Eye 13. Ears 14. Teeth 15. New Life

7. Environment & Pollution
1. Ecology 2. The Living Planet 3. Cycles of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen in Ecosystem 4. The Food Chain 5. Saving the Soil 6. Acid Rain 7. Pollution 8. Air Pollution 9. Ozone Depletion 10. Water Pollution 11. Noise Pollution 12. Losing Forest 13. New Species 14. Wildlife Under Threat

8. Transport
1. Invention of Wheel 2. Bicycle 3. Railways 4. Ships 5. Hovercraft 6. Motor Car 7. Motor Cycle 8. Aircraft 9. Jet Plane 10. Helicopter 11. Space Shuttle

9. Sound
1. What is Sound? 2. Mechanical Waves 3. Shock Waves 4. Noise 5. Reflection of Sound 6. Doppler’s Effect 7. Interference 8. Beats 9. Diffraction of Sound 10. Ultrasonic Waves 11. Bounded Medium 12. Vibrations of Air Columns 13. Stationary Waves 14. Characteristics of Sound 15. Resonance

10. Development of Chemistry
1. The Forefathers of Chemistry 2. Alchemy 3. Uses of Chemistry in Everyday Life 4. Branches of Chemistry 5. Invention of Gases 6. Medicines 7. Vitamins and Hormones 8. Elements 9. Organic Chemistry 10. Plastics 11. Chemical Fertilizers 12. The Atomic Theory of Matter

11. Energy
1. Energy 2. Solar Energy 3. Wind Generators 4. Hydroelectric Power 5. Geothermal Power 6. Coal 7. Mineral oil and Petroleum 8. Fuel Gases 9. Nuclear Energy 10. Nuclear Reactors

12. Force & Movement
1. Displacement, Distance, Speed & Velocity 2. Centripetal and Centrifugal Force 3. Newton’s Laws of Motion 4. Jet Propulsion 5. Centre of Gravity and Equilibrium 6. Universal Gravitation 7. Escape Velocity 8. Artificial Satellites 9. Rotation 10. Friction 11. Elasticity 12. Periodic Motion 13. Simple Machines 14. Systems of Units

13. Communication
1. Communication 2. Printing 3. Photography 4. Radio 5. Radar 6. Cinematography 7. Reproduction of Sound 8. Telephone Network 9. Fax 10. Satellite Communications 11. Television 12. Video 13. Computer

14. Electricity & Megnetism
1. Electrostatics 2. Atmospheric Electricity 3. Electric Supply 4. Electric Shock 5. Sources of Electromotive Force 6. Dry Cell and Lead Accumulator 7. Electric Bulb and Electric Heater 8. Electrolysis 9. Simple Circuit 10. Electric Generator and Electric Motor 11. Transformer 12. Magnets and Magnetic Field 13. Ferro-Magnetic Substances 14. Electromagnet 15. The Earth\\\`s Magnetism

15. Minerals & Metals
1. Minerals 2. Metals 3. Metallurgy 4. Gold 5. Silver 6. Iron 7. Copper 8. Manganese 9. Tin 10. Mercury 11. Aluminium 12. Lithium 13. Beryllium 14. Lead 15. Magnesium 16. Platinum 17. Uranium

16. Scientists and Inventions
1. Scientists and Inventions 2. Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) 3. Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) 4. Sir Humphry Davy (1778–1829) 5. Michael Faraday (1791–1867) 6. Charles Robert Darwin (1809–1882) 7. Friedrich Wohler (1800–1882) 8. Gregor Johann Mendel (1822–1884) 9. Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) 10. Friedrich August Kekule (1829–1896) 11. Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) 12. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) 13. Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) 14. J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) 15. Dr. Homi Jahangir Bhabha (1909-1966) 16. Great Inventions 17. Science and Technology

17. Light
1. Light 2. Spectrum 3. Solar Spectrum and Electromagnetic Spectrum 4. Fluorescense and Phosphorescence 5. Refraction of light 6. Mirage 7. Lenses 8. Reflection of light 9. Sight and eye 10. World of colours 11. Microscopes and telescopes 12. Laser
ISBN - 9788122310610

Pages : 518
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