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  Armed Forces Tribunal

Armed Forces Tribunal

by Wing Commander (Retd) Dr U C Jha

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  India took the first step towards `civilianising` of the military justice system in 2007, when Parliament passed the Armed Forces Tribunal Act. The Tribunal and its benches will provide a unique forum of appeal to the armed forces personnel. This book critically examines the jurisdiction and power of the Tribunal, and seeks to provide an insight into the problems that may come up when it takes issues relating to the conditions of service and court martial. The appellate forums of a few other democracies have also been discussed. The book provides all the documents relating to the Armed Forces Tribunal in India—its background, report of the Law Commission, the Bill of 2005, report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee, the debate in Parliament which took place before passing of the Bill, the Act, and the Rules made thereunder. It also critically analyses the grievance redress systems prevailing in the armed forces. This book is a must read for serving and retired military persons, the legal fraternity, social scientists, researchers and anyone concerned with policy relevant to the armed forces.
ISBN - 9788170493624

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