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  The Hindus: An Alternative History

The Hindus: An Alternative History

by Wendy Doniger

  Price : Rs 999.00
  Your Price : Rs 779.22
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Hinduism does not lend itself easily to a chronological account; its central tenets—karma, dharma, to name just two—arise at particular moments in Indian history and differ in each era, between genders, and caste to caste; and what is shared among Hindus is outnumbered by the things that are unique to each group. Yet the greatness of Hinduism lies precisely in those idiosyncratic qualities that continue to inspire debate today.
With her inimitable expertise Wendy Doniger illuminates those moments within the tradition that resist forces that would standardize a canon. She reveals how Sanskrit and vernacular sources are rich in knowledge of and compassion towards women and lower castes; how they debate tensions surrounding religion, violence and tolerance; and how animals are the key to important shifts in attitudes towards different social classes.

In this unique and authoritative account, debates about Hindu traditions become platforms from which to consider the ironies, and overlooked epiphanies, of history.

ISBN - 9780670083541

Pages : 800
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