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  Population, Gender and Health in India : Methods, Processes and Policies

Population, Gender And Health In India : Methods, Processes And Policies

by K.S. James, Arvind Pandey, Dhananjay W. Bansod And Lekha Subaiya (Eds.)

  Price : Rs 1295.00
  Your Price : Rs 1165.50
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  Demographic processes and health outcomes are highly gendered in India. At the same time, studies on the impact of gender on demography and health issues are scarce and the impact of demographic changes on gender is nearly nonexistent. Mere recognition of the gender issues does not provide policy guidance to make appropriate changes in the programmes. This calls for innovative methods to understand demographic changes, health scenario and gender systems and also a critical analysis of various public interventions. India is also experiencing rapid demographic changes in recent years which will have definite implications for demographic pattern, gender system, health progress and governmental policies and programmes. There are several policy and programmatic interventions to generate conducive demographic and health changes through gender equity.

This volume brings together contributions from scholars on demographic changes, gender and health system and health policies and programmes in India. It highlights achievements and challenges facing the country in the area of population, gender and health in different settings. It also brings up new methods of analysing the relationship. This volume, undoubtedly, will be a useful guide to students, researchers and policy makers in India and across the world.

ISBN - 9788171888092

Pages : 590
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