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  Epilepsy An Easy Guide to Causes, Diagnosis and Cure

Epilepsy An Easy Guide To Causes, Diagnosis And Cure

by Dr Navneet Kumar

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 347.60
In Stock
  Many young children have convulsions due to high fever which their parents often take as epilepsy. They use traditional knowledge and superstition to deal with the situation and lose the valuable time that could be spent in giving early treatment. This book helps to understand the difference between different kinds of seizures that may not necessarily be epilepsy.
Useful both for patients who suffer from the neurological disorder and expert doctors who are involved in their treatment, Epilepsy An Easy Guide to Causes, Diagnosis and Cure bridges the knowledge gap that exists today. While it would help patients and their families to understand epilepsy in general, the doctors would get additional insight into treating the disease in the right perspective.
This book would serve its purpose if it propels patients suffering from epilepsy to become advocates in spreading awareness .
A little knowledge is dangerous but too little can be even more dangerous. The book is written in such a way that it can be read from cover-to-cover and enhance our understanding about epilepsy.


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