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   Human Rights of Accused in the Criminal Process

Human Rights Of Accused In The Criminal Process

by M. Abdul Hannan

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 611.60
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  Every criminal justice has the obligation to protect human rights of the accused, because an accused, because an accused is treated as innocent before conviction under the provision of law. The right to life, liberty and fair are the fundamental human rights of accused. There is a genuine link between peace and human rights. This and preservation peace the security of humankind, the first stated purpose of the United Nations, Necessitate the protection and implementation of rights, without which human rights cannot be effectively achieved. Infringement of the fundamental human rights to life, liberty, personal security and physical integrity affect individual rights as well as it has a negative impact on the equality of life. These infringements are a product of both state parties and politics involving national criminal processes when carried out under the colour of law by public officials. The topic ‘human rights of the accused’ is of universal concern that cuts across major legal and political boundaries. However, this study seeks to correlate internationally and nationally protected human rights, which are applicable in the criminal process. Human rights and constitutional guarantees of the accused; rights of arrested and detained persons with reference to the state of preventive detention under the Special Powers Act, 1974 and the role of police in Bangladesh; rights to reasonable investigation, questioning, search and seizure; the rights to a fair trial and the rights of prisoners in Bangladesh are set forth in details in this study and a comparison is made basically with the provisions in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR). Admittedly, this book is unique because it makes a comparison of international law and national criminal justice system. A comparison of the criminal jurisprudential philosophy in both international law and laws of Bangladesh should enable readers to distinguish the direction of human rights strategy being followed in both administration of criminal justice.
ISBN : 9788190789103

Pages : 695
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