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  Development Programmes and Social Change among the Tribals

Development Programmes And Social Change Among The Tribals

by K.Somasekhar

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 396.00
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  This book deals all the aspects relating to the social, Cultral Economic conditions of the Tribals in the country, in general in the Andhra Pradesh State, in particular. It mainly concerns with the plain tribals living in Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh as they live in symbiosis with the plain population who lead a poverty sticken life at the subsistence level. These plain Tribals (Sugalis) are still leading a secluded life untouched by the modernization and change. The present publication is the outcome of Doctoral Research work undertaken by the author. He has collected data the sample Tribal house holds in three villages of Anatapur District. Besides it, author collected information regarding the development programmes from the offices connected with Tribals development. This book spells out various policies, Strategies and Programmes introduced for the Tribal Development during the plan period level of awareness and extent participation the development programmes. This deals the dvamics of change taking place among the Tribals of this district due to the developmental programmes and effect of modernization. To sum up, this book is up a gap and dearth of literature about plain Tribals in the country, as it has given a special focus on these Tribals apart from Agency Tribals. Hence, this book benefit the students, scholars academicians as well as policy makers who are dealing with the Tribal Development, as it has extensively covered Socio, Economic and Cultural that are being taken place through the intervention of development programmes
ISBN : 9788183871808

Pages : 153
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