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  Anatomy of Head, Neck and Brain

Anatomy Of Head, Neck And Brain

by Vishram Singh

  Price : Rs 575.00
  Your Price : Rs 488.75
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  The present volume faithfully follows the syllabus of Anatomy recommended by the Medical council and Dental Council of India. It covers in detail the head and neck anatomy and deals with essential aspects of brain. The chapters on oral cavity and cranial nerves are discussed in depth. Following recent trends of anatomy education, the book in addition to basic information, provides knowledge on anatomical/embryological basis of clinical conditions through its features of Clinical correlation and Clinical Case Study.
Written in simple and easy-to-understand language, this profusely illustrated book provides knowledge of anatomy without extraneous details---ideal for undergraduate medical and dental students. The meticulously designed, accurate, simplified and easily reproducible four-color illustrations form a unique feature of this volume.
With the wealth of relevant knowledge it is highly recommended for those preparing for various entrance examinations, like PG entrance, USMLE, PLAB, etc.
KEY FEATURES INCLUDE - • Detailed exposition on oral cavity and cranial nerves.
• Numerous, carefully drawn four-color illustrations that are easy to understand, enhancing retention of anatomical details and are simple to reproduce during examinations. They follow the color scheme standardized for depicting anatomical structures.
• Tables and flowcharts that summarize the text and present complex data in a simple manner.
• Clinical Correlations integrated in the text, highlighting practical application of anatomical facts; an approach increasingly being adopted in anatomy teaching.
• Clinical Case Study at the end of each chapter to initiate interest of students in problem based learning (PBL).
• Additional information of higher academic value presented in a simple way in boxes (N.B.) to generate interest of readers, especially the aspiring postgraduates.
• Important facts useful for candidates appearing in various entrance examinations like PGME, USMLE, PLAB, listed under Golden Facts to Remember.
• Multiple Choice Questions at the end of the book for self-assessment of the topics studied.

ISBN - 9788131211564

Pages : 470
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