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  Delhi Development Report

Delhi Development Report

by Na

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  Published by Academic Foundation under arrangement with : PLANNING COMMISSION,GOVERNMENT OF INDIA,New Delhi.
The Planning Commission has decided to prepare State Development Reports (SDRs) for all States and Union Territories of India. The objective in bringing out these reports is to provide independent quality reference documents on the development profile, set out strategies for accelerating the growth rate of States, lessen disparities and reduce poverty. The SDRs are meant to discuss the constraints and challenges facing the States and provide a vision, blueprints or a roadmap for its overall progress and prosperity.

Each SDR is being prepared with the assistance of reputed national level-agencies under the supervision of a Core Group, headed by a Member of the Planning Commission, and including senior representatives of the State Government. The publication of the Delhi Development Report follows the recently published SDRs of Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Orissa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Karnataka, Kerala and Sikkim.

The Delhi Development Report reviews the experience of NCT Delhi and highlights issues critical for the State`s development in the years ahead. The Report is expected to be an important value document and will impart value for development practitioners interested in the State and act as a roadmap for accelerated growth in the future.


The Core Committee, including Partner Agencies and Project Team

Message from Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission

Foreword from Chief Minister, Delhi

Message by Member, Planning Commission

Introduction by Principal Advisor, Planning Commission


List of Tables, Figures and Annexures

Executive Summary

1. Profile of the State

1.1 History

1.2 Phases in Development of Modern Delhi

1.3 Geography

1.4 Climate

1.5 Area of NCTD

1.6 Civic Administrative Division

1.7 Demography

1.8 Economy of NCTD

1.9 Development Disparities

1.10 Education

1.11 Medical Facilities

1.12 Physical Infrastructure

1.13 Energy

1.14 Water

1.15 Environment

1.16 Industrial Effluent

1.17 National Capital Region (NCR)

1.18 Flora and Fauna

1.19 Culture

2. Economy and Fiscal Management

2.1 General

2.2 Rate of Economic Growth

2.3 Per Capita NSDP

2.4 Structure of the Economy

2.5 Primary Sector

2.6 Secondary Sector

2.7 Services Sector

2.8 Labour Supply and Employment

2.9 Special Provisions for Delhi

2.10 Revenue Receipts

2.11 Tax Receipts

2.12 Own Non-Tax Revenue

2.13 Central Transfers

2.14 Expenditure

2.15 Plan Expenditure

2.16 Non-Plan Expenditure

2.17 Expenditure on General Services

2.18 Expenditure on Social and Economic Services

2.19 Assignment to Local Bodies

2.20 Revenue Surplus

2.21 Fiscal Deficit and Debt

2.22 Concluding Remarks

3. Urban Development

3.1 Housing

3.2 Land Development and Management

3.3 Sanitation

3.4 Housing and Urban Policy

3.5 Data Base Development and Management

4. Infrastructure Development

4.1 General Features of Delhi Power Situation

4.2 Review of Policies, Programmes and Projects

4.3 Current State of the Sector

4.4 Implementation of the Reform Package and Prospects
of Achieving Financial Viability

4.5 Areas of Strengths, Weaknesses and Where Intervention is Needed

4.6 Introduction

4.7 Traffic Characteristics and Overall Transportation Scenario

4.8 Status of Roads and Their Development So Far

4.9 Limitations of the Existing Road System

4.10 Sanctioned Road Development Projects and Their Present Status,
Planning for Completion and Projects in the Pipeline

4.11 Development of Roads Leading to and Bypassing Delhi

4.12 New Expressways

4.13 Institutional Measures

4.14 Phasing of Projects

4.15 Multiplicity of Authority in the Road Sector and its effect on Development

4.16 Institutional Framework

4.17 Policy and Planning Group

4.18 Maintenance of Roads, Signages, Street Lighting and Sanitation

4.19 Pollution

4.20 Maintenance of Roads

4.21 Status of Railways and Their Development So Far

4.22 Railway Services in Delhi can be categorised as under

4.23 Sanctioned Railway Projects and Their Present Status

4.24 Traffic Management

4.25 Salient Features of the Report of the Committee on Sustainable

4.26 Further Recommendations

4.27 Integration Issues

4.28 Vision for the State and Policy Action Required for Achieving the Same

4.29 What Ails Delhi Roads

4.30 Current Status and Resource Assessment

4.31 Vision 2021

4.32 Policy Interventions and Recommendations

4.33 Conclusion

4.34 Introduction

4.35 Telecommunication Policy

4.36 Major Telecom Services

4.37 Teledensity Status

4.38 Broadband Service

4.39 Telecom Regulatory Authority

4.40 Private Sector Participation

4.41 Long Term Goal

4.42 E-governance Schemes

4.43 Policy Formulation

4.44 Private Sector Participation

4.45 Long Term Goal

4.46 e-Governance

4.47 Suggestions

5. Environment Management

5.1 Land Use

5.2 Water Supply and Sanitation Wastewater Management

5.3 Solid Wastes Management

5.4 Air Quality

5.5 Cleaning the River Yamuna

5.6 Storm Water & Flood Control

6. Public Distribution System

6.1 Evolution of PDS

6.2 Public Distribution System in Delhi

6.3 Targeted Public Distribution (TPDS)

6.4 Other Schemes

6.5 Circle Advisory Committee

6.6 Grievances related to PDS

6.7 Initiatives for Improving Efficiency

6.8 Futuristic Approach

6.9 Right to Information

6.10 Role of Civil Society

6.11 Some Suggestions

7. Forest, Tree Crop Management, Greening of Delhi

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Green Cover and its Current Status

7.3 Greening of Delhi—Vision 2015

7.4 Policy Framework

7.5 Conclusion

8. Wildlife Management and Biodiversity Conservation

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Status of Wildlife

8.3 Multi-Agency Programmes And Areas

8.4 Appraisal of Policy and Programmes

8.5 Recommendations for Department of Forest and Wildlife

9. Education Status Report of Delhi

9.0 Introduction

9.1 Trends in Literacy Rates in Delhi since Independence

9.2 Delhi Education Scenario

9.3 Possible Causes behind Poor Achievement

9.4 Initiatives in Improving the Education Scenario in Delhi

9.5 Strategies, Choices and Issues in the field of Education for
Delhi of tomorrow

9.6 Issues in Education—Delhi

10. Health and Family Welfare, RCH, Ayush and Nutrition

10.1 Background

10.2 Peculiarities of Delhi—The Capital State

10.3 Health Care Delivery System in Delhi

10.4 Growth of Medical Institutions in Delhi since 1992

10.5 Life Expectancy at Birth

10.6 Other Indicators for Health in the Society that Ultimately Influence
the Longevity

10.7 Fertility, Birth Rates and Maternal Health

10.8 Natural Growth Rate

10.9 Sex Ratio

10.10 Morbidity Patterns

10.11 Some Programmes related with Health Problems in Delhi

10.12 Water Borne Diseases

10.13 Polio

10.14 Vector Borne Diseases in NCT of Delhi

10.15 Dengue

10.16 Maternal and Child Health Programmes

10.17 HIV/AIDS

10.18 Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

10.19 Accidents and Trauma

10.20 Other Health Determinants

10.21 Water Supply and Sanitation

10.22 Environmental Pollution

10.23 Private Sector in Health Care

10.24 Drug Policy

10.25 Delhi Prohibition of Smoking and Non-Smoker Health
Protection Act, 1996

10.26 Resource Allocation for Health

10.27 Access and Utilisation of Health Services

10.28 Health Care Expenditures

10.29 Vulnerable Areas of Delhi

10.30 Vulnerable Populations of Delhi

10.31 The Way Forward

10.32 Suggestions for Improving Health Status of People in Delhi

11. Tourism including Health Tourism

11.0 Methodology

11.1 National Tourism Scene (Ninth Five Year Plan)

11.2 Policy Framework for the Ninth Plan

11.3 Tourism Scene (Tenth Five Year Plan)

11.4 Global Status and Trends

11.5 Tenth Plan Objective Improving and Expanding Product Development

11.6 The Path Ahead

11.7 Status of Department of Tourism Delhi Administration

11.8 Plan Outlay and Expenditure during 10th Five Year Plan

11.9 Analysis of the Functioning of the Tourism Department

11.10 Constraints Identified by Tourism Department

11.11 A Broad Picture of Tourism in Delhi

11.12 Tourism Data Relating to Tourist Facilities in Delhi

11.13 Tourism Services Providers

11.14 Opportunities in Delhi Tourism Sector

11.15 The Tourism Product that Need to be Developed for Achieving Growth
in the Tourism Industry in Delhi

11.16 The Way Forward

11.17 The Vision for Delhi Tourism

12. Employment and Integrated Rural Development

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Employment Generation Strategy and Employment Elasticity

12.3 Specific Employment/Labour Force Situation of Delhi

12.4 Unemployment

12.5 Alternative Estimates of Educated Unemployment

12.6 Rural/Urban Development Plan

13. Science & Technology-IT and Biotechnology

13.1 Framework

13.2 Organisation of S&T Activities

13.3 Description of S&T-IT&BT Programmes in Delhi

13.4 Financial resources

13.5 Assessment

13.6 Suggested Vision and Initiatives

14. Labour Management and Manpower Planning

14.1 Literacy

14.2 Financial Provisions for Education Sector

14.3 Manpower Planning

14.4 General Remarks

15. Women and Vulnerable Groups

15.0 Introduction

15.1 Women’s Issues

15.2 Socially Disadvantaged Groups

15.3 Child Labour

15.4 Vulnerabilities Stemming from Disability

15.5 Migrants

15.6 Housing Vulnerability/Shelterless

15.7 Public Transportation

15.8 Unorganised Workers

15.9 Old Age and Other Health Vulnerabilities

15.10 Child Abuse and Violence against Children

15.11 Some Recommendations

16. Industrial Development, Village & Small Industries Village &
Small Industries

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Industrial Base and Structure

16.3 Industrial Support System

16.4 Industrial Policy

16.5 Prospects and Potential for Industry

16.6 Unorganised Sector and, Khadi and Village Industries in Delhi

16.7 Characteristics of Unorganised Enterprises in Delhi

17. Institutional Reforms and Governance

17.1 Concept

17.2 Link between Governance and Development

17.3 Actors in Governance

17.4 Characteristics of Good Governance

17.5 Improving Governance

17.6 Governance in NCTD

17.7 Evolution of Governance in NCTD

17.8 Urban Process: Organisations and Functions

17.9 Unique Features of NCT Delhi

17.10 Measures Initiated to Improve Governance in NCTD

17.11 Bhagidari

17.12 Vigilance

17.13 Improve Governance, Bring Openness and Transparency

17.14 Municipal Corporation of Delhi

17.15 New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)

17.16 Conclusion

18. Conclusions and Recommendations

18.0 General

18.2 Fiscal and Financial Management

18.3 Urban Development Housing and Utilisation of URIF, Slums etc.

18.4 Infrastructure

18.5 Environment

18.6 Public Distribution System

18.7 Forest, Tree Crop Management, Greening, etc.

18.8 Wild Life Management

18.9 Education

18.10 Health

18.11 Tourism

18.12 Employment, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation:

18.13 Science & Technology

18.14 Labour

18.15 Social Development and Vulnerable Groups

18.16 Industrial Development

18.17 Agriculture and Allied Activities

18.18 Institutional Reforms and Governance

ISBN - 9788171887194

Pages : 436
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