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  India`s Five Year Plans: I to XI - 1951-56 to 2007-12 : (in 2 volumes)

India`S Five Year Plans: I To Xi - 1951-56 To 2007-12 : (In 2 Volumes)

by M.M. Sury

  Price : Rs 3920.00
  Your Price : Rs 3528.00
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  Part I of this work explains the processes and procedures of economic planning in India, focusing on institutional framework, mechanism of transferring resources from the Centre to the States for plan purposes, objectives of planning and an assessment of achievements.

Parts II to XIII of the book contain edited extracts from Final Plan Documents from First Five Year Plan (1951-52 to 1955-56) to Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12). These have been categorised into the following 12 theme headings:

? Agriculture, Land Reforms, Co-operatives and Allied Sectors

? Industry, Infrastructure, Public Sector and Small Industries

? Development and Management of Extractive Industries (Mineral Resources)

? Electricity, Coal, Petroleum and other Energy Sources

? Urban Development and Housing

? Transport and Communications

? Employment and Labour Welfare

? Health and Family Welfare

? Education and Training

? Science and Technology

? Social Welfare

? Development of North Eastern States, Hill Areas, Tribal Areas and Other Measures for Balanced Regional Development

Editorial comments are given at the beginning of each theme heading. Reader will find it easy to comprehend how a particular sector of the Indian economy was treated in terms of priority, strategy, and allocation of resources in the successive Plans. The 12 theme headings cover almost all the sectors of the Indian economy.

Part XIV contains sector-wise statistical data on the Indian economy (1950-51 to 2006-07) which would be useful for a cross-section of academic community and researchers, both in India and abroad.

This work, it is hoped, would prove useful for the students of economics, commerce, public administration and business management. An understanding of the mechanics of economic planning will also serve the needs of legislators, administrators and those in industry and trade.

ISBN - 9788177081770

Pages : 1267
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