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  The Unsung Heroes: Select Documents On Neglected Of India`s Freedom Struggle (Set Of 2 Vols.)

The Unsung Heroes: Select Documents On Neglected Of India`S Freedom Struggle (Set Of 2 Vols.)

by T.R. Sareen

  Price : Rs 1700.00
  Your Price : Rs 1700.00
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  This documentary study on the neglected chapter of India`s liberation movement deal with the efforts made by the Indian nationalists who chose to operate from abroad against the British Raj. Indian struggle for freedom was unique in the sense that it was fought on two fronts both ideologically different to each other. One was the silent struggle within the country under Gandhiji, while the other battle in nature violent was fought from abroad with the help of foreign powers. The documents included here recount in graphic detail the patriotic zeal and tireless efforts of Indian revolutionaries like Krishnavarma. Savarkar, Har Dayal, Madame Cama, M.N. Roy, Viren Chattopadhya Tarak Nath Das: V.V.S. Aiyer, Tirumal Acharya, Sohan Singh Bhakhna, and many others, who tried to raise the banner of revolt against the British and succeeded in establishing pulsating centers of anti-British activities in cities like London, New York, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, San Francisco etc.
ISBN - 9788183690256

Pages : 695
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