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  Human Resource Management and Technology

Human Resource Management And Technology

by Shahnaz Mirza

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 875.60
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  “Human Resource Management and Technology” plays a vital and dominant role in building up the organizations and gives impetus to the national economy. The book entitled ‘Human Resource Management and Technology’ contains intensive relevant, informative, well researched articles in various fields and disciplines. The topics selected by the editor for publication in the present book, are very valuable and contain fabulous latest information from which benefits can be derived by various sectors. Some of these articles had been presented in internationally seminars and workshops. These articles due to their current status and interest and information, found world wide circulation through periodical being published and circulated by M/S Serial Publications throughout the world. In order to acquaint India students, research scholars and other concerned quarters, it has been decided to publish these articles in form of a book. The topics like-Indian Women Workforce, People’s participation in rural development governance, training approach of manpower in various sectors like banks etc., agriculture, industry are vital ingredients for progress and national economy. The current important topic of interest ‘Retailing and its social-economic dimension’ in Indian market can be read with interest. Multinational Corporations’ participation in Indian rural market is significant in respect of growing economy. Various Malls in under and rural areas are the efforts to tap the economy. Yet another eye catching topic is rural women and get rid of the rural folk form the clutches of money lenders. This articles present wide details with supporting data on subject, for the esteemed readership. These articles in form of a form of a book will benefit varied readership and research quarters, students and policy planners in formation of policy. The book can be referred book for consultation of data and models used in various articles.
ISBN - 9788183873567

Pages : 340
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