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Inside Delhi Assembly

by S.K.Sharma, Former Secretary Lok Sabha & Delhi Legislative Assembly

  Price : Rs 1495.00
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  Inside Delhi Assembly is the first book of its kind on the Delhi Legislative Assembly-its creation, evolution, functioning and efficacy as a representative institution of India`s capital. The study conducted is needed comprehensive and exhaustive and emcompassing the whole gamut of the affairs of the institution right from its inception in 1993 till date. The study also describes the kind of experiments that were earlier made from time to time to provide a democratic set up to Delhi. Since its constitution election to the Delhi Legislative Assembly have been held four times viz. in 1993, 1998, 2003 and 2008. The book describes Assemblywise the kind of men & women who had the priviledge to be its members, their socio economic background including the age profile, occupation, educational qualifications and so on. A mere fleeing glance at the contents Page and chapter headings are indicative of the wide range of issues discussed and debated. Some of the intereting Chapters incorporated in the book include" Need for grant of statehood to Delhi" "why Delhi cannot be granted as statehood" How to become a effective legislator, Problems faced by new MLAs etc.These are the issues Delhite would be concerned with. Under the heading Landmark Assembly events showcased the author who was its secreatry during Assembly formative years , has unfolded a number of mysteries and behind the scene events and incidents unknown even to MLas.These disclosures would certainly be found informative.
ISBN - 8176580589/ 9788176580588

Pages : 416
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