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  TAX Planning: For Salaried Employees

Tax Planning: For Salaried Employees

by Raghu Palat

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 184.50
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  Tax Planning For Salaried Employees has been a bestseller since it was published for the first time in 1985. It has been hailed as a “masterpiece” and a “must” for salaried employees by leading newspapers and magazines. This completely revised 16th edition incorporates the changes proposed in the Finance Bill 2007.

Written very lucidly, with easy to understand examples and free of professional jargon, the book is for the salaried employee to help him plan his affairs in such a manner that he is able to minimize the incidence of tax and maximize his take home pay. As Raghu Palat says, “after having paid more tax than was necessary in the first two years of my employment in India and having grappled with the intricacies of Indian personal tax, I was determined to write a simple book that a layman would understand.” Tax Planning For Salaried Employees achieves this object effortlessly with numerous examples and actual happenings.
ISBN - 8179921611

Pages : 168
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