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  India and the United States: From Estrangement to Engagement

India And The United States: From Estrangement To Engagement

by Narrotam Gaan

  Price : Rs 790.00
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  Estimation of India as a strategic accomplice in the American grand game plan to contain communism was at its lowest ebb during the cold war. An ebullient India glowing in its glorified hoary past, civilization, history and exemplary freedom struggle based on non-violence and truth, was intent on carving out a place in world politics just in commensurate with its cultural treasure trove and at par with the other great powers, though such a lofty ambition was seen abysmally in disproportion to its military and economic deficits. An idealistic Nehru tried to chisel a new furrow in the muddy bipolar world politics in terms of non-alignment and independence quite different from what the great powers like U.S. and former Soviet Union pontificated others to follow. The ever yawning gap between the civilization greatness and its relatively infungibility into real power always balked at its efforts to scratch a self proclaimed niche on world politics. Yet India has never eschewed the path as chosen by Nehru during the cold war. A preachy India was viewed too vast, independent and non-aligned to fit into the American straitjacket. Pakistan surrogate to the chagrin of India. Mutual distrust, animosity and acrimony existed cheek by jowl as the American understanding and perception of India was always a Pakistani dictation. In the nebulous tunnel of cold war was visible a dim light giving the glimpse of the outlines of a hazy new world when Soviet union was disintegrated and communism buried. But this light soon flickered out when America rose to one powerism and scripted the world economy, usurped the world space in the name of globalization and superimposed its cultural supremacy in all walks of life. Is it worth alluding Fukuyama`s famous clichîSend of history" to the newly built strategic partnership between India and United States? The [present work tries to answer this question by peeling off the entire history, and evolution of Indo-US relation into this new deal, in the back drop of the ingrained contradiction between American riding on the crest of unipolarism and India`s penchant for its long cherished non-aligned culture and civilizational values. The deification of the Deal depends on whether America is moving toward an evangelistic power pronouncing peaceful co-existence with other countries and new planetary ethics in transcendence of unipolar nuances.
ISBN : 8178355957

Pages : 368
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