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  My Years in a Pakistani Prison: The Untold Story of Kishorilal alias Amarik Singh alias Saleem, an Indian Spy in Pakistan

My Years In A Pakistani Prison: The Untold Story Of Kishorilal Alias Amarik Singh Alias Saleem, An Indian Spy In Pakistan

by Kishorilal Sharma

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 595.00
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  “To a prisoner like me and others, death seems to be the deliverance. They torture you in every manner and at that stage you would like to die — but they won`t let you. But if you escape death and are sent back to your country, you die a slow death as nobody comes forward to own you. And others are not as lucky as me, as most spies are not educated and they cannot survive if the government and intelligence agencies do not come to their help; and they never do help because of the selfishness and unprofessional approach of the concerns of corrupt officers of their agencies. Terrorist organizations are better than intelligence agencies: at least they accept the identities of their people and take care of the families of their members in the case of death, besides compensating them handsomely with money and moral support.”

He was called for his service to the motherland. He reciprocated immediately. Giving up all familial relationships, he partook in a rigorous training programme that was a true test of his heart, body, mind and soul. Fighting off his cowardly hopes of quitting the organization so as to avoid the ordeal, he was finally made battle ready.

Slipped into enemy territory, his espionage attempts met with complete success. However luck soon turned against him, as during his third mission he was seized by the enemy camp and imprisoned. He was subjected to absolute third degree torture and only miraculously, and albeit divinely, escaped the contours of death on more that one occasion.

But he continued to strive towards seeing his own country once again. He looked forward to coming back home. And one day, God gave him that chance. He returned to the border once again, so that he could be united with his fellow countrymen.

Was the welcome given to him befitting that of a hero? Or even if not a hero`s welcome, certainly he needn`t have been treated like a blackguard, a traitor!

Who was he after all a Spy, or a Soldier?
ISBN: 0979617448

Pages : 260
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