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  The Astrological Analysis of Earth Quake

The Astrological Analysis Of Earth Quake

by Dr. Bhojraj Dwivedi

  Price : Rs 60.00
  Your Price : Rs 60.00
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  The prior knowledge of advent of natural disasters is still a difficult, if not an impossible job for the scientists. Utilizing our ancient learnings and scriptures, the timings of these disasters can be estimated. After the destructive tremors in Gujajat, this fact holds more footage. This is because this earthquake was already predicted using our ancient astrological knowledge.
The book minutely examines these astrological explanations, so that these types of natural disasters can not only be predicted, but precautionary and preventive measures can also be undertaken Dalai Lama’s predictions, relevance of earthquakes by Varahamihir, many horoscopes of disastrous earthquakes and analytical studies are the main qualities of the book. The readers will surely gain substantial knowledge and will become quite capable of dealing with the emergency situations of an earthquake.
ISBN: 8171827772

Pages : 120
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