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  MPLS And Next Generation Networks: Foundations For NGN And Enterprise Virtualization

Mpls And Next Generation Networks: Foundations For Ngn And Enterprise Virtualization

by Monique Jeanne Morrow,Azhar Sayeed

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 348.50
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  Understand the business case for deploying MPLS-based services and solutions

Provides network managers and architects a precise MPLS primer
Defines MPLS service problems and their associated solutions
Includes ROI models for MPLS-based solutions
Discusses pros and cons of various options for each MPLS service

Network managers often question the value that MPLS brings to their business environment. This book provides them with a precise guide for evaluating the benefits of MPLS-based applications and solutions. The book guides the network manager through the business case for MPLS by exploring other technology alternatives, including their applications, benefits, and deficiencies. Understanding the service creation process as the basis for MPLS-based solutions is pivotal when describing the benefits that MPLS offers. Furthermore, the book explores MPLS technology and its components, providing an overview of the architecture necessary to reap the true advantages that MPLS brings to a service provider or enterprise network. These advantages include new revenue opportunities and a total cost of ownership reduction that positively impacts a company`s bottom-line. ROI models and case study examples further confirm the business impact and help decision-makers create a blueprint for MPLS service creation. Specific aspects such as security, network management, advanced services and the future of the technology complete the book, helping decision makers assess MPLS as a candidate for implementation. In short, you can use this comprehensive guide to understand and build a business case for the inclusion of MPLS in your network.

ISBN - 9788131720516

Pages : 422
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