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Reinforced Concrete Vol-1

by Dr. H.J.Shah

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 360.00
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  This Volume I elucidates the basic principles involved in the analysis and design of Elementary Reinforced Concrete Structures. The book begins with an introduction to concrete technology and continues with chapters on design of beams, slabs, columns, foundations, retaining walls, etc. These chapters are based on the Limit State Method following latest revision of IS : 456-2000. A few computer programmes to design a section for flexure are introduced. It also includes chapters on formwork and detailing of reinforcements.

Since concrete having minimum grade M 20 has been accepted as structural concrete by the code, it became necessary to revise almost all the examples of previous edition. The text matter also has been revised and enlarged to incorporate a few revised and newly added clauses.

The subject matter is abundantly illustrated with numerous figures and solved examples. The exercises are provided for further training in the subject.

The salient features of the book are :

* Simple, lucid and easy language
* Step-by-step treatment
* Exposition to practical problems

This book in its 24 chapters now contains:

* 503
* 228
* 257
* 167
* 9
* 235
Self explanatory and neat diagrams with excellent detailing
Fully-solved examples
Unsolved examples with answers and questions
Useful tables
Computer programmes
Short questions with answers.

It is hoped that the book should be extremely useful to the Civil Engineering and Architecture students preparing for Degree Examinations of all the Indian Universities, Diploma Examinations conducted by various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate Courses, as well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C., G.A.T.E. and other similar competitive and professional Examinations.
ISBN - 8185594546

Pages : 948
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