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  Online Journalism - A Basic Text

Online Journalism - A Basic Text

by Tapas Ray

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 405.90
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  his book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to online journalism, as well as the internet. Apart from being a medium of communication, the internet is also a vast and continuously growing storehouse of information, which journalists can use to their advantage. Practical aspects of online journalism are explained with a number of case studies. The book attempts to equip the reader with the skills needed to use internet technology in journalism.It also provides an insight into the unique nature of the medium by placing e-journalism within a broad social context. Online Journalism would serve as a text for professional courses, a starting point for students interested in research and as a guide for beginners in the fields of media and advertising.
Among the topics covered are:
- History of the internet
- New journalisms: annotative and open source
- Computer assissted journalism
- Packaging news for the web
- Publishing on the web
- Legal and institutional issues
- Multimediality, interactivity and hypertextuality
- New roles for the journalist
- Digital access and barrier
-Trends: convergence and broadband
- The networked world
ISBN: 9788175963337

Pages : 278
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