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  Physics Electricity Magnetism & Waves: Thepry and 166 Solved problems (Enrichment-The Modern Approach of Electomagnetism)

Physics Electricity Magnetism & Waves: Thepry And 166 Solved Problems (Enrichment-The Modern Approach Of Electomagnetism)

by Clark E.

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 260.00
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  Physics - Electricity Magnetism and Waves thoroughly covers the subjects of electricity and magnetism at a level required of the undergraduate physics and engineering students. The book includes a chapter which elaborates on waves and deals with a wide variety of wave phenomena. The book also presents a thorough summary of each subject emphasizing the important terminology and formulae. Further in each chapter the author sets forth dozens of quality problems and detailed in-depth solutions whose goal is to help the student reach a level of expertise and scientific thinking and creativity. In the same vein and in order to ensure the students grasp of subjects at the foreground of scientific research the book includes an article which deals with the modern approach towards electricity and magnetism (the theory of QED) which is the foundation of our understanding of electromagnetic interactions between elementary particles. ISBN 9788123905686

Pages : 503
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