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  History Of Science and Philosophy Of Science: A Historical Persective of the Evolution of Ideas in Science

History Of Science And Philosophy Of Science: A Historical Persective Of The Evolution Of Ideas In Science

by Sengupta

  Price : Rs 3630.00
  Your Price : Rs 2976.60
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  History of Science and Philosophy of Science, a primarily interdisciplinary study, deals with the historical and philosophical perspectives of science and explores the mutuality of the relations between the two disciplines. To present the study in a reader-friendly format, it has been divided into two parts, with the first volume (Part 6) dedicated to the ‘history’ of science and the second volume (Part 7) to the ‘philosophy’ of science.

The first volume, History of Science and Philosophy of Science: A Historical Perspective of the Evolution of Ideas in Science, seeks to present a history of science where science is believed to proceed along with the operation of a number of mechanisms that are instrumental to its growth, thus making science a part of a creative culture. This part works out the relation not between history and the history of science, but between science and the history of science. Though the volume focuses mainly on physics and mathematics, it also includes essays on life sciences and consciousness studies. The order of essays is guided not by chronology but by a philosophical interpretation of the development of major reforms and revisions in the field of science both in India and abroad. Some authors have paid full attention to Indian science and its logic, while some others have preferred to deal with Western science.

Presented in a fairly non-technical language and readily accessible even to non-specialists, these volumes will be of interest to researchers and well-informed general readers. ISBN 9788131719305

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