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  Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical physics

Monte Carlo Methods In Statistical Physics

by Murthy

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 191.25
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  Monte Carlo simulation is a computer-based numerical technique that has gained popularity in the recent times in physical sciences due to its ability to extract real world observations out of seemingly intractable theoretical models. In fact, Monte Carlo simulation may be regarded as the new and third major arm of investigations in the physical sciences, the other two traditional being Experiment and Theory. It is an important tool in Computational Methods, particularly so in Statistical Physics for relating macroscopic observations to the laws of microscopic world.

In this book, the author elucidates the methodology of Monte Carlo technique starting from the very beginning, and leads the reader to a level where he/she can take it up for serious research projects. Enough background material has been provided to make the text self-contained; there are several simple examples from Physics that lucidly illustrate the concept. The style of presentation is informal yet informative, and conceptual complexity has been handled in a user-friendly manner without sacrificing logical rigour.
A serious student should find the presentation absorbing and educative.ISBN 9788173714993

Pages : 144
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