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  Modern Approach in Geography(A): For the Evaluation of Soils and Land-Form-System of Land Use Planning in Himalayan Eco-System of the Alaknanda Basin

Modern Approach In Geography(A): For The Evaluation Of Soils And Land-Form-System Of Land Use Planning In Himalayan Eco-System Of The Alaknanda Basin

by P.B. Saxena

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 400.00
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  The Alaknanda Basin, consisting of the eastern part of the Garhwal Himalaya is well endowed various land resources in plenty by way of heavy precipitation, soils, vegetation and minerals. However, it is agriculturally undeveloped and geographically unexplored. The geonomic life of the region is lagging behind because of the haphazard use of the agricultural land. Lack of means of irrigation and the neglect of soil conservation measures. The main objective of the study has been to appraise the soils of the valley by analysing their morphology, taxonomy and capability by delimiting the basing into land capability regions to highlight their impact on present land sue system. Another objective of the study has been to evaluate the agricultural land use efficiency and finally regionalise and valley into landuse efficiency zones by making due adjustments in cropping patterns and adopting suitable types of horticulture and apiculture. The author has applied recent research techniques of remote sensing and quantification to justify the relationship among climate, physiography, soils and land use pattern in the Alaknanda Valley. He has also analysed the intensity and distribution of land depletion and then suggested preventive measures to cure landforms with acological negotiations.ISBN:8170220122

Pages : 116
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