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  Human Values (The): Task for All

Human Values (The): Task For All

by M.R. Chilana And M.L. Dewan

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 320.00
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  This book focuses on the theoretical background of values in the framework of education. It goes further to provide the readers through description of how nine distinguished institutions in India are working in this area. Efforts of these institutions have been appreciated not only by concerned persons of the respective systems but due recognition has been given by premier education institutes like University Grants Commission, National Council for Educational Research and Training and other national and state organisations. Above all some of these studies were sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development. The Planning Commission took great advantage from the recommendations of these studies. Another significant feature of the book is that it does not stop with the theoretical explanations and statements of actual practices, but it ventures to give an outline of an action plan. This, further, is not merely a Utopia, but it is written for pilot trial in a premier educational system of Kendriya Vidyalayas so it has a lot of significance for adoption/adaptation by individuals as well groups of institutions. However, editors and authors can hardly claim to be perfect. The publication is only an humble attempt to satisfy them in the discharge of their obligation to the society which they feel has given so much to them. Critical Comments by the readers will be most welcome.

Pages : 212
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