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  Mechanics Of Solids,

Mechanics Of Solids,

by Singh

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 807.50
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  Designed as a text for both the undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil, mechanical, aerospace, and marine engineering, this book provides an indepth analysis of the fundamental principles of mechanics of deformable solids based on the phenomenological approach.

The book starts with linear and angular momentum principles for a body. It introduces the concepts of stress, strain and the constitutive relations using tensors. Then it goes on to give a description of the laws of thermodynamics as a restriction on constitutive relations and formulates the boundary value problem in elasticity. Besides, the text treats bar under axial, bending and torsional deformation as well as plane stress and plane strain idealizations. The book concludes with a discussion on variational mechanics and the theory of plasticity.


l Elaborate treatment of constitutive relations for linear elasticity.

l Consistent formulation of strength of materials approach and three-dimensional elasticity for bar under axial, bending and torsional deformation.

l Presentation of failure criteria and plasticity theory taking the modern developments into account.

? Large number of worked-out examples throughout the text and exercises at the end of each chapter.ISBN-- 9788120331907

Pages : 496
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