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  Solid Waste Management,

Solid Waste Management,

by Sasi Kumar And Gopi Krishna

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 505.75
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  Safe and effective management of solid waste generated by the community and governmental as well as commercial institutions is the need of the hour. This compact book describes how to avoid, minimize and manage solid waste and discusses models which, if implemented, can solve many of the current solid waste problems.

The text discusses the various sources of waste generation, composition of solid waste and the need for designing a strategic plan for solid waste management. It explains the importance of public involvement, and public awareness in managing solid waste besides giving an account of solid waste management hierarchy.

In addition, the text describes in detail factors to be considered while developing a waste management programme, techniques for the recovery, reuse or recycling of solid waste, techniques of composting, and how to manage special wastes such as bio-medical waste, plastic, and e-waste. Case Studies of selected municipal corporations lend a practical flavour to the book.

The book is intended as a text for B.Tech. (Civil/Chemical Engineering) and M.Tech. (Civil/Environment Engineering, Environmental Science). Besides, it will be quite handy for consultants in solid waste management, environmental engineers, and municipal corporations.isbn-9788120338692

Pages : 312
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